BG DPF Service3

About us

Please note: this is garage feedback and listing site. BestGarageGuide are not providing a recommendation of garages listed.

The purpose of this site is to help you to choose a garage that best meets your needs.

Research shows that when making a decision about any service provider a recommendation is the single biggest influencing factor. This guide lets you hear the opinion of other users so that you can then choose a garage with the comfort of knowing what others think of them.

Using the scheme is easy, it involves 3 steps

Insert the post code of the area you are in, or where you want the service to be carried out.

Step 2
Choose how you want the information priorities, e.g, by proximity to you, be best rated, etc

Step 3
Click on the garage for more information about services offered, address and of course, feedback from customers

Once you have had your service we hope that you will help maintain the accuracy and relevance of the site by giving feedback on the service that you have had. This is done by either coming back to this site and clicking on the relevant garage and again clicking on ‘Give Feedback’, or using the prepaid postcards given to you by the garage when you pick up your car after the service.

We, and the garages involved in this scheme, are dedicated to driving up standards in the car service industry.

This scheme is run by Powerflow Ltd and sponsored by BG Products