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Customer charter

Please note: this is garage feedback and listing site. BestGarageGuide are not providing a recommendation of garages listed.

Members of the scheme particularly (BG Products carbon cleaning stockists and non-member garages being also listed) are encouraged to follow the aspects of good-service below:

  1. To display the Best Garage Scheme Charter prominently and in view from the reception area
  2. When customers ask for a quote, or estimate for work, the charges for labour and parts are included.
  3. Where it becomes apparent that further work is required, the member garage must first get the permission of the customer before carrying out this additional work
  4. Member garages make available for viewing any replaced parts
  5. Member garages deal promptly with customer complaints, promptly is defined as within 10 working days
  6. Members deal courteously with customer complaints
  7. Member garages acknowledge that in an unsatisfactory resolution of a valid customer complaint may result in sanctions to the member garage, these sanctions may include termination of membership
  8. Member garages will use, and supply the customer with, a Best Garage Guide approved, industry standard checklist
  9. Members commit to inviting feedback from the customer by using the feedback cards (Reply paid cards)
  10. Member garages commit to ensuring customers are offered, using the ‘Emissions Control Option Sheet’, appropriate treatments to optimise engine performance, economy and help reduce greenhouse gases